At Clear Aim, we create the brand strategy to help you stand out and grow your business. We combine big brand expertise with small-town heart, and we know some clients don’t have big budgets to invest in learning about brand strategy and management. If you’re not ready yet to get started with our services, you can still take advantage of our penchant for learning.
Check out our list below of the Best Brand Strategy Books available. These branding books are some of the best resources around. if you’re launching a company or product, or starting a new role with responsibility for managing your company’s brand, they’re a great place to start.
Brand Naming
- Brand Naming by Rob Meyerson
- Meyerson is a leading expert on naming, and we know him through his work at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. If you want to learn about the naming aspects of brand strategy before you jump in, this book is a must-read. It includes all the fundamentals of naming strategy, plus trends, tips, a clear naming process, and how to prepare for naming discussions.
- The Naming Book by Brad Flowers
- A perfect companion to Brand Naming, The Naming Book offers a blueprint to walk you through everything from brainstorming to trademarking.
Building and Managing Brand Equity
- How Brands Grow by Byron Sharp
- Sharp’s book explores brand success backed by research at the Ehrenberg Bass Institute for Marketing Science. It challenges common marketing myths and misconceptions and offers strategies for driving brand growth.
- Building Strong Brands by David A. Aaker
- Published decades ago, Aaker’s book stands the test of time. Building Strong Brands features real-world examples and shows how brands create powerful identities and personalities that connect with customers.
- Managing Brand Equity by David A. Aaker
- This foundational book shows how the world’s most historic brands have leveraged the value of their brand names and includes case studies of companies building equity for their business.
Brand Identity, Assets and Brand Codes
- Building Distinctive Brand Assets by Jenni Romaniuk
- Romaniuk, well-known for her research at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, offers a master class on how different assets make your brand distinctive and anchor it in customers’ memories.
- Designing Brand Identity by Alina Wheeler
- The new version of this book is coming in January with co-authors and you can pre-order now. Until then, the current and prior versions offer an excellent guide on designing, launching, and managing your company’s brand identity.
- Obviously Awesome by April Dunford
- Dunford shares how to find and highlight your product’s awesome “secret sauce,” to break through the noise in your market and reach prospective customers.
- The Brand Gap by Marty Neumeier
- In this quick read, Nemeier provides tips for how to bridge the gap between business strategy and design.
- Zag by Marty Neumeier
- Here, Neumeier offers guidance on using radical differentiation to drive brand performance: when everyone zigs, zag.
Brand Experience and Culture
- Fusion by Denise Lee Yohn
- This is an excellent book for large companies struggling to bring a brand to life internally as well as externally. Yohn shows how fusing brand and culture drives better value. Our copy of this one has more sticky notes than any other book on the bookshelves.
- The Power of Moments by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
- This book is key for anyone working on your brand experience. From the first few chapters, you’ll be thinking about all the memorable moments your customers experience – good or bad – that impact your brand.
Brand Storytelling
- Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
- If your marketing tends to skip ahead to the products and services you offer without engaging clients in a compelling story, it may be time to rethink how you communicate. This book provides an excellent framework for brand storytelling.
Disclaimer: we have no relationship or affiliation with these authors or vendors; we just love their content.
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